Best Day Spa & Massage Therapist

3660 Sunset Avenue | Rocky Mount, NC | (252) 451-9451 |
Prepayment at the Time
of Booking Required.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Heather completed her training and certification in Dr. Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Decongestive Therapy in 2002. She assists many locals in their recovery from different types of surgery that involve swelling (edema), fibrosis and bruising. Most of these surgeries are cosmetic in nature, such as Face Lifts, Breast Surgeries, Liposuction, Tummy Tucks and Brazilian Butt Lifts but also includes a variety Joint Replacements and Cancer Surgeries.
Lymphatic Massage Sessions with Heather
45 Minute Session $100 | 60 Minute Session $120
Most clients book 45 minute sessions if they want
2-3 sessions per week for post-surgery recovery.
As there are many reasons you would receive manual Lymphatic massage, Heather will consult with you over the phone to get your questions answered. Her direct number is 252-903-9461. You are very welcome to text or leave her a voicemail and she'll get in touch with you within 24 hours. As with all of our services, prepayment for this appointment is secured at the time of scheduling.

What is Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)?
Information from vodderschool.com/manual_lymph_drainage_overview
This is a gentle, non-invasive manual technique that has a powerful effect on the body. Research in Australia, Europe and North America has proven its efficacy as a stand-alone treatment and in combination with other therapies.
Developed in France in 1932 by Emil and Estrid Vodder MLD has grown to be the most well known manual technique to assist lymph flow and aid in drainage of tissues.
The skin is stretched and torqued in a specific manner, based on scientific, physiological principles that have proven to encourage lymph flow. If performed correctly with the correct pressure, direction and speed, this can greatly enhance recovery and facilitate drainage. It also has profound effects on systems in the body.
Therapists acquire excellent hand skills in the original Dr. Vodder method of MLD with our certified instructors. Our expertly trained and certified Dr. Vodder instructors focus on you as an individual and help you to develop the skill required to attain the best possible results with every patient.
Lymph Vessel System
Information from vodderschool.com/lymph_vessel_system
The lymph vessel system carries excess water, proteins and wastes from the connective tissue back to the blood stream. During the transportation process the lymph is cleaned, filtered and concentrated. Many immune reactions occur in the lymph nodes. If the pathways become congested, blocked, damaged or severed, then fluids can build up in the connective tissue leading to edema and fibrosis. Eventually cell pathology may begin. If there is damage in the connective tissue (e.g. burns, chronic inflammation, ulceration, hematoma), then the lymph vessel system must transport the damaged cells, inflammatory products and toxins away from the area. The quicker this can happen, the faster recovery will be.
Manual Lymph Drainage Applications (MLD)
Information from vodderschool.com/manual_lymph_drainage_applications2
Treatment is performed by certified Manual Lymph Drainage therapists who have undergone the four week, post-graduate, training program. Manual Lymph Drainage can be utilized in the treatment of many different conditions including:
Primary and Secondary Lymphedema
Venous insufficiency
Non-infected inflammatory conditions (e.g. sprains and strains)
Dermatological conditions
Circulatory disturbances
Sports injuries
Pre- and post- plastic surgery
How often should you get a lymphatic drainage massage after surgery?
Information from newlifergv.com.
The first week after surgery, the lymphatic massage can be done as frequently as daily. The second week, as frequent as every other day. It is not possible to get too much manual lymphatic massage and the sessions can be scheduled at your convenience.
Sold at The Garden Day Spa & Salon
12 oz for $110
This exact blend is used in Heather's MLD sessions. This custom-mixed cream is a blend of high quality products that have been seen to be effective. Customized Aromatherapy has been added to support lymphatic function.
Sold at The Garden Day Spa & Salon
4 oz for $40
